If you are absolutely serious about internet marketing and learning how to make money on the internet then pay attention! I want to clue you in on the single more important element that will guarantee you success with your online business. So you better be paying attention!
Pick one thing and stick with it! Yes, that is it. Pick one product and one method that has been proven to drive traffic to that product and stick with it until you find success. Forget about all other traffic generation methods or buying any new pushbutton magic programs that promise to turn your computer into a cash spewing machine or any of that garbage. Pick one thing and stick with it.
Many marketers, and not just newbie internet marketers, tend to jump from one thing to another and they never give one method the opportunity to actually begin to generate them any serious money. They become enamored by the tempting talk of gurus in their inbox and loudmouths on marketing forums touting the latest and greatest traffic generation method that they would be a fool to be with out? and they?re off in yet another direction.
The truth is that none of this stuff is really anything new. While new technologies come and go in the form of different social media platforms and the like but once you unmask anything new it really is just a spin of the same old thing. It all comes down to tried and proven methods of marketing and driving traffic. And once you have these methods ingrained in your mind you will be able to generate traffic and potentially money on demand.
I came across an article on a fairly well known marketers blog not too long ago. He had gotten a gift for the holiday. It was an old shaving set. The type with a big mug with a bar of soap at the bottom and a brush to make shaving lather and an old single blade razor. He thought to himself that it was a neat gift but that it probably wouldn?t give that great a shave; nothing like his triple blade razor that cost a chunk of change. You have probably already guessed where I?m going with this, right?
What he found was that his old timey shaving kit gave him a closer shave than his triple blade razor that cost 100 times as much per blade! Internet marketing is the same way. The old tried and true methods that really do work have gone by the wayside as new pushbutton automated systems are promoted with much fanfare and lukewarm results. But why isnt anyone promoting the old methods that still work?
Well, nobody is going to make a ton of money off of a product that isnt new, cutting edge, revolutionary or a game changer like some of these pushbutton systems that you read about. Although, many of these systems actually rely upon old methods that have been around for years. But think of it this way would you purchase a product that tells you that this is nothing new but it works? You would probably bounce off of that page so quick that it wouldnt even register in the vendors stats.
When I uncover a product that is proven, is easy to implement that uses methods that I can wrap my head around I jump on it pretty quick and I tell all my friends. Stuff like that gets me very excited? simple little changes to systems that are known to effectively bring traffic, conversions and cash into my business are always welcome in my house. I study them, I test them out and try to master them. How long do I test them?
Give any method or program that you are trying out a good six months before you deem it worthless and a waste of time and money. Put your heart into it and make a daily effort to really figure it out; how it works, why it works and maybe even ways that you can improve on it and check for success. A good six months is an honest test of any internet marketing program that is worth its salt.
Click Here to check out this amazing Launch Jacking Review. See if you can leverage this simple method for swiping traffic and mad cash right out from under the bittime gurus noses!
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