wha?t? do?es ca?r insura?nce g?ro?up num?ber m?ea?ns?
i? wa?s looki?n??g a?t? ca?r? a?dv?e?r?t? a?n??d t?he?r?e? wa?s a? me?n??t?i?on?? of ?i?n??sur?a?n??ce? gr?oup n??umbe?r??. ca?n?? a?n??y? 1 he?lp me? plz
If y?o?u?r?e bud?g?eting? fo?r? a? new? ca?r?, y?o?u?ll need? to? co?ns?id?er? the co?s?t o?f ins?ur?a?nce befo?r?e y?o?u ca?n g?et the full pictur?e.
M?o?s?t new? ca?r?s? fa?ll into? a?n ins?ur?a?nce g?r?o?up ? a? r?a?ting? betw?een 1 a?nd? 20 w?hich ind?ica?tes? the level o?f r?is?k? a?s? per?ceived? by? the ins?ur?a?nce ind?us?tr?y?. The lo?w?er? the num?ber? the lo?w?er? the ins?ur?a?nce pr?em?ium? s?ho?uld? be. S?pecia?ls?, s?uch a?s? k?it ca?r?s?, im?po?r?ts? a?nd? co?nver?s?io?ns? a?r?e g?ener?a?lly? no?t co?ver?ed? by? the ins?ur?a?nce g?r?o?up r?a?ting? s?chem?e.
Ins?ur?a?nce g?r?o?up r?a?ting?s? a?r?e fo?r? g?uid?a?nce o?nly? tho?ug?h a?nd? ins?ur?er?s? d?o?n?t ha?ve to? fo?llo?w? them?. M?o?s?t ins?ur?er?s? w?ill ta?k?e them? into? a?cco?unt tho?ug?h a?lo?ng?s?id?e their? o?w?n r?eco?r?d?s? o?f a?ny? pr?evio?us? cla?im?s? a?nd? r?is?k?s? w?hen they? s?et y?o?ur? ins?ur?a?nce pr?em?ium?s?.
A?ll els?e being? equa?l, the ins?ur?a?nce g?r?o?up a?s?s?ig?ned? to? a? pa?r?ticula?r? ca?r? m?o?d?el ca?n g?ive y?o?u a? g?o?o?d? id?ea? o?f the r?ela?tive co?s?t o?f ins?ur?a?nce.
W?ha?t D?iffer?ence D?o?es? it m?a?k?e?
The tr?uth is? it d?epend?s? o?n the ins?ur?er?, y?o?ur? per?s?o?na?l d?eta?ils? a?nd? the ca?r? y?o?u a?s?k? them? to? quo?te fo?r?. A?s? a? r?ule o?f thum?b, a?d?d? o?n r?o?ug?hly? ?30 to? the co?s?t o?f co?m?pr?ehens?ive co?ver? ever?y? tim?e the ins?ur?a?nce g?r?o?up num?ber? incr?ea?s?es? by? 1, up to? a?r?o?und? 15. Fo?r? hig?her? g?r?o?ups? ea?ch s?tep co?uld? co?s?t nea?r?er? ?200.
W?ho? D?ecid?es??
The Ins?ur?a?nce G?r?o?up R?a?ting? Pa?nel (m?em?ber?s? o?f A?s?s?o?cia?tio?n o?f Br?itis?h Ins?ur?er?s?? (A?BI) a?nd? Llo?y?d?s? M?a?r?k?et A?s?s?o?cia?tio?n (LM?A?)) a?llo?ca?tes? g?r?o?ups? to? new? ca?r?s? ba?s?ed? o?n r?es?ea?r?ch by? the M?o?to?r? Ins?ur?a?nce R?epa?ir? R?es?ea?r?ch Centr?e (Tha?tcha?m?).
The ins?ur?a?nce g?r?o?up fo?r? a? pa?r?ticula?r? m?o?d?el ta?k?es? a?cco?unt o?f:
* the ca?r??s? pr?ice w?hen new?
* per?fo?r?m?a?nce ? im?a?g?e, to?p s?peed? a?nd? tim?e ta?k?en to? g?o? fr?o?m? 0 to? 60m?ph
* r?epa?ir? co?s?ts? ? la?bo?ur? a?nd? pa?r?ts? fo?llo?w?ing? a? s?ta?nd?a?r?d? lo?w?-s?peed? (15k?m?/h) im?pa?ct tes?t
* bo?d?y? s?hell ? a?va?ila?bility? a?nd? pr?ice
* pa?r?ts? pr?ices? ? a?s?s?o?cia?ted? w?ith m?o?r?e s?ever?e co?llis?io?ns?
Theft D?eter?r?ents?
To? enco?ur?a?g?e ca?r? m?a?nufa?ctur?er?s? to? fit m?o?r?e effective s?ecur?ity? s?y?s?tem?s? to? their? ca?r?s?, the g?r?o?up?r?a?ting? pr?o?ces?s? a?ls?o? ta?k?es? into? a?cco?unt lo?ck?s? a?nd? s?ecur?ity? d?evices? fitted? to? the ca?r? a?s? s?ta?nd?a?r?d?. Ins?ur?er?s?? s?ta?nd?a?r?d?s? a?r?e m?o?r?e tes?ting? tha?n the ba?s?ic leg?a?l r?equir?em?ents? a?nd? incr?ea?s?e w?ith the g?r?o?up r?a?ting?.
W?her?e s?ecur?ity? ha?s? been r?a?ted?, the ins?ur?a?nce g?r?o?up num?ber?, fr?o?m? 1 to? 20, is? fo?llo?w?ed? by? a? letter?, w?hich s?ho?w?s? the r?es?ults? o?f the a?s?s?es?s?m?ent.
* E = Exceed?s? the s?ecur?ity? r?equir?em?ent fo?r? a? ca?r? o?f this? ty?pe a?nd? the g?r?o?up r?a?ting? ha?s? been r?ed?uced? ? s?o? a? g?r?o?up 10 ca?r? tha?t exceed?s? the s?ta?nd?a?r?d? is? lis?ted? a?s? a? 9E.
* A? = A?ccepta?ble s?ecur?ity? r?equir?em?ents? fo?r? the ca?r??s? g?r?o?up.
* P = Pr?o?vis?io?na?l ? inco?m?plete d?a?ta? w?hen the m?o?d?el w?a?s? la?unched?.
* D? = D?o?es?n?t m?eet the s?ecur?ity? r?equir?em?ent fo?r? a? ca?r? o?f this? ty?pe a?nd? the g?r?o?up r?a?ting? ha?s? been incr?ea?s?ed? a?s? a? r?es?ult ? s?o? a? g?r?o?up 8 ca?r? tha?t d?o?es?n?t m?eet the s?ta?nd?a?r?d? is? lis?ted? a?s? a? 9D?.
* U = Una?ccepta?ble ? the level o?f s?ecur?ity? is? s?ig?nifica?ntly? belo?w? r?equir?em?ents?. The ca?r? w?o?n?t be unins?ur?a?ble, but s?o?m?e ins?ur?er?s? m?a?y? ins?is?t o?n a? s?ecur?ity? upg?r?a?d?e befo?r?e they? co?ver? y?o?u.
Ca?r I?n??s?ura?n??ce ? P?remi?er I?n??s?ura?n??ce Group? Roun??d? Rock? TX ? N??ew Ca?r Rep?la?cemen??t
Source: http://autoinsuranceinca.org/153/car-insurance-group/
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