As camping outdoors supposedly brings out the caveman instincts in the urban dweller, most modern men bring their supplies in neatly packed containers and zip-locked bags for convenience and hygiene. In a bid to reconnect the city bred individual with ancestral methods of hunting and scrounging for food, some take up the challenge of survival in bare bones setting. Whilst there are no tents and ground sheets to ward off insects and muddy soil, one learns how to make a bow and arrow utilizing what nature has to offer. Although the city slicker is expected to rough it out, there may be some allowance to equipping oneself with the veritable Swiss army knife affixed with basic functions.
To effectively construct a bow and arrow, some thought and care is required in choosing the wood. As the bow is meant to be supple whilst injecting more force as the curve increases, the chosen wood should ideally reflect these elements. Since no piece comes in perfect shape and size, some whittling is required with the help of the aforementioned knife. Thickness of the bow should be kept around an inch in diameter with an overall length of five to six feet. Length is however subject to the maker?s decision as well as abundance of material nearby. Arrow thickness should be about half inch in diameter, ranging from one to two feet long depending on the length of bow. The basic principle on how to make a bow and arrow is the proportion of user to the tools at hand. An adult obviously has a different reach as compared to a child, similarly a taller individual as compared to a shorter one.
After trimming and shaping the wood for the bow, one needs to cut a pair of notches, one on each side, about an inch or two away from each end of the bow. These four notches are meant to secure the bowstring which brings one to the next fun part to construct a bow and arrow. Any sort of material can be used so long as it is robust and not stretchable. Since power is at the bow, a shorter string allows greater force to be drawn from a more curved bow coupled with a harder task in attaching it. Arrows are to be straight to ensure direct flight. Carve a small notch at one end to rest against the bowstring whilst taking aim. Shape an arrowhead at the other end and one is ready to let loose a few.
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