auto insurance Conyers GA The amount of drivers on the road increases each year. As this number goes up, the chances of a car collision will also go up. If you get in a car wreck, the auto insurance you have can make a large difference in what happens next. But why do you need to own insurance and just how much should you purchase? Car accidents can lead to a variety of different expenses, which your insurance might be able to pay for based on the insurance policy you have purchased. No matter where you are living, you will need to buy some type of auto insurance. Choosing to drive without insurance could mean you have to repair or replace a stolen or damaged vehicle or pay the cost of all the damage for which you might be responsible. Liability: Pays for expenses due to personal injury and property damage to others that you have caused. Damages from bodily injury can include medical fees, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Property damage includes damaged property and loss of use of property. It also covers your defense and court costs if you are sued. Local laws typically require minimum amounts of liability insurance, but larger amounts are available and very beneficial. Personal Injury Protection: Personal injury protection pays for all medical treatment for you or other people in your car, regardless of who was responsible for the accident. It is commonly called no-fault coverage. The minimum amount of personal injury protection is typically set by local government. Medical Payments: Medical payment coverage can be purchased in non-no-fault states; it will pay regardless of who carries responsibility for a collision. It pays for all insured person?s necessary medical or funeral expenses resulting from a crash. Collision: Damages that occur from a collision will be paid for under this type of insurance. Comprehensive: This type of insurance takes care of all non-collision damages. This could include fire and wind damage, vandalism, and robbery. Uninsured Motorist: If you are in an accident with an uninsured driver or a hit-and-run driver, this type of insurance will protect you. Under-Insured Motorist: Pays for damages when an insured person is in a crash caused by another person who does not have the right amount of insurance to cover the total amount of the damages. Other kinds of car insurance, like emergency road service, are also available. Your auto insurance payments vary by company and will depend on multiple factors, such as: * What coverage you select * The make and model of the vehicle you drive * Your driving record * Your age, sex and marital status * Where you live Don?t procrastinate buying auto insurance; you should never drive a car without it. Review your needs, do your research , and with the guidance of your insurance agency, choose the option that fits you best.
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